Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hort 2334 Food Crops,4-18-2013, or Christmas in April

Eva had other obligations during the first hour of class Thursday.  We were instructed to lay the paths for the community garden.  I was on time but by the time I got out to the plot many people were already hard at work. Chris seemed to be organizing things and we were done only a little after Eva arrived.  Again she told us how amazing this class was. I wonder if she says that to all her classes.

After the paths we went into the green house.  There were many tomatoes to transplant as well as herbs.  It was getting really tight in the green house and time was coming for the sales, and to sent starts off to various projects.  Eva directed some of us to put things in different places and to take some out to the benches.  Now class was somewhat lightly attended that night but those of us that were there were suddenly happier then usual because Eva then told us that all the plants out on the bench were up for grabs!  It was like Christmas, better for me because I usually only get socks!  Somehow work still got done and no one got to greed.  How great is that?  We get to plant some of our hard work in our home gardens!

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