Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy New (growing season) Year

Well it looks like this outside:

So of course I want to start seeds today. Spring will arrive and with it mud, mulch, and the garden.

I started tomatoes. This year its my black plum, Baker creek orange banana, Territorial seeds Burbank and Beaver lodge. I had great luck with the Beaver lodge last year, they are super early and very uniform. They tasted pretty good too.
I'm also starting pineapple ground cherries this year. These are a curiosity for me, I don't know much about them except they taste just like canned pineapple and look like Chinese lantern plants. I'm told they grow like tomatoes so why not give them a try.
Also started peppers; Ancho, Bell, and Hot bomb, cabbage, broccoli, and some herbs.

Some of my herbs this year are from Now their website isn't much to look at but they have a great product, good selection, and they are local to PA. Another local producer is They haven't been around very long so they are still getting there legs under them but if you want local, organic, transplants check them out! You can order here: